martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

1Resultat d'imatges per a "fortnite"2Resultat d'imatges per a "FUTBOL"3Resultat d'imatges per a "THE KARATE KID"

     1.The Fortnite is the best game.
     1.Fortnite is cheaper than Call of duty.

     2.The best team is CF Real Madrid.
     2.Football is better than Basketball.

     3.The best film is Karate Kid.
     3.Karate Kid is better than Frozen.


                                             A TOUR OF SCHOOL

            Welcome to IES Almatá. Our school is 39 years old and has about 500 studients.

            We have got a beautiful building.

            When you arrive there is the main entrance. You can see photos in my school

            in internet. We have to football, a gym and a garden with vegetables, and hens.

            We do PE in the gym twice a week
            The classes are very big. There are about twenty studients. There is a Bar we

            can go to drink or to buy sanwitches.

            There is a laboratory where studients can practice tecnology, biology etc.

             I like the school, the teachers and my friends.


domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019


Resultado de imagen de jugador de futbol benzema CON PELOTAMy name is Toni and I´m from Balaguer, a city in the west of catalonia, i´m twelve years oldand my birthay is in Januari. I study English at school. I would like ane-friend to help my study English.

I get up at seven o´clock. and I have breakfast with my parents. After school, i go home and i usualli do my homework. There I go to play football.

I love sports. I play football with Balaguer team, and my friends everyday. I like computer games.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2019


I´m Thegrefg he is virtual bedroom. It´s very big and very comfortable, every wall is a different colour, and there are fantastic views.

In my room, there´s a big bed and bedside table next to it. There´s a very big wardrove. I´ve got a lot of clothes. I haven´t got a TV in my room, but i´ve got a laptop and a lot of games and DVDs, too. I´ve got  a pet, and cat

My favorite thing in the room is my laptop and my cat.
Resultado de imagen de habitaciones grandes de niños de 12 años
my bedroom